Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happiness comes, but once in a blue moon. And it is for those moments of joy, contentment, that I live. Those moments when dancing is the most I could do.

Its not wrong, those you love, can and eventually do hurt you. But thats why its important to know the people we love before we love them. You see, because not everyone knows how to love. Truly love, unconditionally. That type of love is not just for romance, but it is every part of life. The best thing you can do is, move on from those who cannot return love, and let those who can enmesh with everything life is meant to be. Life can only grow from pure love.

Then why do we have vengence, hatred, power, control, manipulation, they all arise from a lack of this love. And this is why love is so powerful, because without it, the world would cease to exist and we live in darkness.

Friday, May 9, 2014

I finally did it, the blocked the asshole who made life so so challenging for me.

My heart is still in pain, a lot of pain. Maybe it is just incredibly unhealthy as I haven't been feeling anything for a long time, and I finally start to open up and things hurt a lot, and yes my heart is taking a toll. Only I'm not sure if the hurt is from the past, or is present.

This too I shall overcome. I blocked my parents a couple days ago, I couldn't deal with the pain from interacting with them.